Careers In-take Requests  Behavioral Analysis Services

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The intake and assessment processes depends on a number of factors. There are considerations to keep in mind, depending on whether or not you plan on using insurance, paying privately, or were referred via the school district.

The first step is to assess the current skill level of the child, and, using the identified skill deficits, establish the primary goals of treatment. In addition to the initial assessment, your dedicated BCBA will help you determine which skill sets are most important to the child’s development. These can include social skills, communication, and behaviors, daily living skills, play skills, other significant skills that can improve the quality of life of your child.

A therapist will work directly with the child and his or her family. This therapist is closely supervised by a BCBA, who regularly reviews and evaluates the child’s progress in order to encourage further development.

To learn more, or to request a meeting with one of our experienced BCBA’s, please email us at